Advice for Anyone Considering a Career Change

business, the next step, next-4241792.jpg recently interviewed Dr. Inna Post to discuss her experiences in a psychology doctoral program. Find out what she had to say–and how it could be relevant to your career change–below.

As we continue to face the Great Resignation, Dr. Post thought it was a good time to share some of the most relevant tips from her interview with her clients considering a career pivot. If you’re considering changing careers, experts agree that now is a great time to take the leap!

Read on to learn about Dr. Post’s experiences in her doctoral program and find out why open-mindedness, flexibility, and curiosity are so essential in your career.

  • You won’t know what your talents are until you gain experience. At best, you’ll have an abstract idea of what you’re good at when you start your career. You can’t know which way your career will go until you start living your life, so it’s important to be open-minded.

Spend time figuring out what your strengths are and where your interests lie and spend time exploring different areas of the industry you’re considering entering. Don’t be afraid to try something new; give it your best shot and then maximize your talents to bring whatever you can to the role. Most importantly, make sure that whatever you choose is congruent with your values. For example, if you’re considering a career as a psychiatrist and then realize you aren’t comfortable with the culture of over-medicating patients, you likely won’t thrive in a medical environment.

  • Don’t be afraid to carve your own path. Even if you’re switching careers, don’t think of yourself as a novice. You might be new to the field, but you’re not new to life! A fresh perspective can breathe life into something that experts in the field have traditionally done the same way. The more you know, the more connections you can make, and the wiser your decisions are going to be.

Education is extremely important, but so is life experience. Some of the most brilliant people I know were never formally educated in their chosen career field. For example, I’ve been running a successful real estate practice for over a decade. I attribute most of my success in that field to the knowledge of people that I gained while pursuing my doctoral degree. It’s an omnirelevant knowledge base.

  • Be a lifelong learner. All that said, you have to be humble about how much you know and enjoy the process of learning and getting better. You never know what hidden interests, talents, or skills you’ll find if you seek out new opportunities to learn. Prioritizing trying new things is as vital to your career as it is to your health and happiness. As tacky as it sounds, life is a journey and not a destination. So take the wheel, enjoy the ride, and don’t forget to take time to view the scenery.

If you’re thinking about changing careers, you shouldn’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone. And it would help if you also considered working with a coach to partner with you through the process. If you’re thinking about doing so, Dr. Post offers complimentary 15-minute sessions for anyone ready to take the next step in their career. There’s no time like the present!

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